QUIKRETE® 5000 Concrete Mix (No. 1007)

commercial grade concrete specially designed for higher early strength. Ideal for cold weather application and achieves 5000psi after 28 days. 

Quikrete 5000 Concrete Mix .pdf
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QUIKRETE® Countertop Mix (No. 1106-80)

specially formulated high-stregth concrete mix for pre-cast and cast-in-place concrete countertop applications with super-plasticizer additives and reduced shrinkage formulations. Gray and Tint Base versions in stock.

Quikrete Countertop Mix .pdf
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QUIKRETE® Non-Shrink Precision Grout

(No. 1585-00) high strength, non-metallic grout designed for precision grouting and general construction applications. Capable of handling high load transfers.

Quikrete Non-Shrink Precision Grout .pdf
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QUIKRETE® Portland Cement (No. 1124) complies with current ASTM C150 for portland cement. Can be mixed with aggregate and other ingredients to make concrete mix, mortar mix, and base coat stucco. 

Quikrete Portland Cement .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [173.5 KB]

QUIKRETE® Hydraulic Water-Stop Cement (no. 1126) is a rapid setting, high strength repair material designed to plug running water or leaks instantly in concrete and masonry. Sets in 3-5 minutes and can be used above and below grade.

Data_Sheet-Hydraulic Water-Stop Cement 1[...]
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QUIKRETE® Vinyl Concrete Patcher (No. 1133) is a multi-purpose concrete repair material with strong adhesive properties. Trowels to a feather edge of 1/16" (1.6 mm). Made of a special blend of exterior grade vinyl resin, fine sand, and portland cement. Just add water.

Data_Sheet-Vinyl Concrete Patcher 1133.p[...]
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QUIKRETE® Quick-Setting Cement (No. 1240) is specially formulated to set in approximately 10–15 minutes. Can be molded or sculpted into place. Ideal for repairing broken edges of concrete steps and curb and making concrete repairs where rapid setting is required.

Data_Sheet-Quick-Setting Cement 1240.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [247.3 KB]

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